Friday, April 29, 2011

Le passé composé

J'ai mangé le chocolat
J'ai nagé a la piscine
J'ai joué le football
J'ai chanté a  la musique
J'ai joué volley-ball
Picture by: Marco Anelli, Grazia Neri

Thursday, March 31, 2011

new recipe


  • Cooking spray
  • 1/2  cup  plus 2 tablespoons sugar, divided
  • 3  tablespoons  all-purpose flour
  • 3  tablespoons  unsweetened cocoa
  • 1/8  teaspoon  salt
  • 1 1/4  cups  fat-free milk
  • 3  ounces  bittersweet chocolate, chopped
  • 1  teaspoon  vanilla extract
  • 1  large egg yolk
  • 6  large egg whites
  • Sauce:
  • 1  tablespoon  butter
  • 1/3  cup  sugar
  • 2  tablespoons  unsweetened cocoa
  • 1  tablespoon  all-purpose flour
  • 1/2  cup  fat-free milk
  • 1/2  ounce  bittersweet chocolate, chopped


Position oven rack to the lowest setting, and remove middle rack. Preheat oven to 425°.
To prepare the soufflés, lightly coat 6 (8-ounce) soufflé dishes with cooking spray. Sprinkle evenly with 2 tablespoons sugar. Set aside.
Combine remaining 1/2 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons cocoa, and salt in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring with a whisk. Gradually add 1 1/4 cups milk, stirring constantly with a whisk; bring to a boil. Cook 2 minutes or until slightly thick, stirring constantly with a whisk; remove from heat. Add 3 ounces chocolate; stir until smooth. Transfer mixture to a large bowl; cool to room temperature. Stir in vanilla and egg yolk.
Place egg whites in a large mixing bowl; beat at high speed with a mixer until stiff peaks form (do not overbeat). Gently fold one-fourth of egg whites into chocolate mixture; gently fold in remaining egg white mixture. Gently spoon mixture into prepared dishes. Sharply tap dishes 2 or 3 times on counter to level. Place dishes on a baking sheet; place baking sheet on the bottom rack of 425° oven. Immediately reduce oven temperature to 350° (do not remove soufflés from oven). Bake 40 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in the side of soufflé comes out clean.
To prepare sauce, melt butter in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Add 1/3 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa, and 1 tablespoon flour; stir well with a whisk. Gradually add 1/2 cup milk, stirring well with a whisk; bring to a boil. Cook 1 minute or until slightly thick, stirring constantly with a whisk. Remove from heat; add 1/2 ounce chocolate, stirring until smooth. Serve warm with soufflés.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Louisa Baïleche

Arnail François

Jacqueline Piatigorsky


* Île-de-France has a land area of 12,011 km²
*PARIS is in Île-de-France
* it has 11.7 million inhabitants, Île-de-France is the most populated region of France 
* it has more residents than Austria, Belgium, Greece, Portugal or Sweden.
* it has a population comparable to the U.S. state of Ohio.

French Recipe

Ingrédients En bref Sert ½ tasse de farine 4 cuillères à soupe de beurre + 1 1 / 2 g de beurre pour le moule 5 onces Chaumes 3 oeufs 1 tasse de lait Sel, poivre, noix de muscade Méthodes / étapes Beurrer généreusement le moule à soufflé, conserver au réfrigérateur pendant la préparation de la recette, pour durcir le beurre.
Préchauffer le four à 400 ° C. Faites fondre le beurre dans une casserole à feu moyen, ajouter la farine et mélanger avec une cuillère en bois. Incorporer le lait, sans grumeaux, puis retirer du feu et laisser refroidir en remuant de temps en temps pour éviter formant un la peau.
Partiellement éplucher les maroilles (n'hésitez pas à laisser une croûte peu à ajouter plus de du caractère à votre recette). Ensuite, couper en cubes. Ajoutez-les à la sauce. Mix.
Casser les oeufs, séparer les jaunes des blancs. Ajouter les jaunes, un par un, au mélange beurre-farine. Ajouter le poivre et la muscade. Battre les blancs d'oeufs avec une pincée de sel en neige ferme. Remuer avec précaution.
Verser dans plat à soufflé et faire cuire immédiatement pour environ 20 minutes. Servir droit la sortie du four.

Thursday, March 10, 2011



At a glance
1/2 cup flour
4 Tbs butter + 1 1/2 g butter for the mold
5 ounces Chaumes
3 eggs
1 cup milk
Salt, pepper, nutmeg 


Generously butter the soufflé mold, store in refrigerator while preparing the recipe, to harden the butter.

Preheat oven to 400 ° F. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat, add flour and mix with a wooden spoon. Stir in the milk, without lumps, then remove from heat and let cool, stirring occasionally to prevent forming a skin.

Partially peel the maroilles (feel free to leave a little crust to add more character to your recipe). Then cut into cubes. Add them to the sauce. Mix.

Break the eggs, separating the yolks from the whites. Add yolks, one by one, to the butter-flour mixture. Add pepper and nutmeg. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Stir carefully.

Pour into soufflé dish and bake immediately for about 20 minutes. Serve right out of the oven.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Où vas-tu?

Je vais à la patinoire. Je vais à le mar. Je vais au lac. Je vais à la montagne. Je vais à la campagne. Je vais au club. Je vais au zoo. Je vais au musée.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

French culture

Something that I really admire about French culture is the fashion that they set. They have really good designers and it just seems like all the trends come from France. It seems like all the famous or cool fashion shows are from there and I have to admit that I'm kind of jealous of them. I wish I had some of those bags from french designers. It also seems like the people from France set the trends and the peope from the rest if the world just follows them. They just have a good fashion culture.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Marion Cotillard

  • Nationality : French

  • birthday: 30 September 1975

  • Born: in Caen and grew up around Orléans, Loiret.

  • Siblings: two twin brothers.

  • French actress.

  • Movies: Jeux d'enfants, Big Fish, and many more.

  • She made film history by becoming the first person to win an Academy Award for a French language performance.

  •  Eva Green

  • Nationality : French

  • Birthday :5 July 1980

  • Born: in Paris and living partly in London. 

  • Actress

  • Movies: The Dreamers, Kingdom of Haven

  • born 2 minutes earlier than her fraternal twin sister Joy.

  • Vanessa Paradis

  • Nationality :french

  • birthday : 22 December 1972

  • Born: Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, near Paris

  • singer, model, and acress

  • she became a child star at 14 with her single "Joe le taxi"

  • her admiration, Marilyn Monroe.